Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Rats are leaving the ship... I mean the Stiles'

So, the Stiles' provided their reasons for leaving the Tory party. It was the usual blah blah blah that politicians give when they move the party in power, stuff like ... our party doesn't appreciate us … they have no vision for NB … there’s too much arguing in the Legislature … and so on…

I almost forgot, Wally said that the turmoil in the Tory party is because they are having trouble adjusting to life in opposition – Ya think so, huh Wally? Not you though, you’ll have no trouble making that adjustment, maybe ‘cause you don’t have to - now do you?

I have a novel idea … how about sticking with your party and help to give them the direction that is lacking and get the party back on track! You two, especially Joan, are veteran MLAs and Tory party stars. Don’t you think the party could use your talents at a time like this to get back to their former glory?

I guess it’s easier to save your skins and jump ship! And you (politicians) wonder why the public has so little trust in you.

Is there no more loyalty? You bash Shawn Graham during the election campaign, saying he is unfit to be premier, and now you both praise him and say that he’s the second coming of Bernard Lord!! Isn’t that just a little hypocritical? There’s no doubt who these two are looking out for in their political careers and it’s not their constituents – its themselves!

I hope the voters cry out for that by-election that they deserve and vote both of them out.

Can you tell that this angers me? How arrogant can politicians be to think that they alone can decide that the thousands of voters in their ridings are all wrong in how they voted? How out-of-touch are they to through principles of democracy out the window saying that they know better than the uneducated Neanderthals that are in their ridings. This has got to stop at every level of politics – this is not what Canada is all about!

Speak up NB and don’t let them get away with it … BTW, Premier Graham is just as bad as the Stiles’ for accepting them in this way – without giving the voters their say!


Muddy River Tory said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. You said it exactly as it should be. I can't even imagine being in the ridings affected and having voted for these 2 deserters. Betrayed would be putting it mildly. Keep up the interesting posts. I will be giving you a link off of my blog to this one.

The Speaker of NB said...

Thanks muddy ...

A big issue is not only that these two don't see the problem with crossing the floor, but also that the Liberals don't have an issue with it.

It would be very refreshing if someone would stand up and say that this is NOT acceptable.